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  • Global model data has been generated for COVID-19 (Coronavirus Disease 2019) simulations. The model used was the United Kingdom Earth System Model 1.0 (UKESM1.0), in an atmosphere-only nudged configuration, with Met Office Unified Model version 11.5. The data is on a global N96 grid (192 x 144 points), and covers the years 2012, 2013, and 2014. These data were used to study the effect of COVID-19 lockdowns (simulated scenarios) on atmospheric composition and radiative forcing. The dataset includes data used in the paper submitted to Geophysical Research Letters (GRL) August 2020 with title 'Minimal climate impacts from short-lived climate forcers following emission reductions related to the COVID-19 pandemic'. See Details/Docs tab for a link to this. For this purpose, there are four experimental integrations (a1, a2, a3, a4), and a control (con) for each year. The files are labelled using variable codes such as m01s34i001 to determine the model variable field contained. A full description of what these are can be found in the included docs/file variable_codes.txt. The data are in NetCDF format, and were generated from the following suites: u-bt034, u-bt090, u-bt091, u-bt092, u-bt637, u-bt341, u-bt342, u-bt343, u-bt344, u-bt926, u-bt375, u-bt376, u-bt377, u-bt378, u-bt927. This is a NERC funded project.

  • A-CURE was a NERC funded project that tackled one of the most challenging and persistent problems in atmospheric science – understanding and quantifying how changes in aerosol particles caused by anthropogenic activities affect climate. The data here are monthly mean variable data from a large perturbed parameter ensemble of UKESM1 simulations, nudged to horizontal winds above around 2km. Each variable has 220 or 221 members, as indicated in file names. Some months have one fewer member because a model variant repeatedly did not run to completion due to combined model parameter values. The 221 members are model variants that combine the effects of 54 aerosol and physical atmosphere parameters. Variable data in this ensemble span the uncertainty in UKESM1 from these parametric sources.